

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Last of The Belly Pics

Needless to say, the summer flew by and now it's mid-September, over two months since my last post. Here's some pictures to catch you up:

Silas was the only boy allowed to attend a girl's night out back in July. He enjoyed awesome Mexican food from Rosie's and live music at Humphrey's.

 Adam's Grandpa Henry was so very generous and bought Silas a crib and a dresser. I sat on the therapy ball in the lower left hand corner and "supervised" while Adam did all the hard work :).

This was the day of my first baby shower thrown by some lovely friends from church. It was awesome.
All of my small group girls, minus Caroline, rubbing on Silas.

We've been able to spend a lot of quality time with our friend Lane and his lovely girlfriend, Emily. She stays at our house when she comes to visit for the weekend. We love having her and being able to serve her in ways others served Adam and I when we were dating long distance. Here's a picture of the happy couple.

They also know how to throw a good party. For Lane's birthday, they threw a 1920's party. It produced some great pictures!
I think this will be our Halloween costumes this year. Now just to find a way to dress up Silas like the 1920's.

I don't have any chalkboard pictures of week 35, but I do have pictures from my work baby shower. My co-worker, Mandi, had it at her house. She is also Silas' surrogate "Ninnie" and made the curtains and bedding for his room (I'll post pictures of the nursery soon).

 Oh my scrubs! I was actually able to continue to wear most of my pre-pregnancy scrubs to work, but this date, I just wanted to be comfortable and wore some larger scrubs that Mandi had let me borrow. I began getting VERY uncomfortable with my upper right side going numb from Silas' bottom sticking out. Many of my kids at work did pelvic rocks with me those weeks as part of their therapy sessions.

At my 36 week doctor's appointment, I was already 90% effaced and 1 1/2 cm dilated; my doctor stated that she doubted I would make it to 38 weeks before Silas came. We slightly panicked because we still needed a car seat and other essential items, but we had one more shower that weekend with friends and family.

My sister-in-law, Lisa, made such cute and sweet decorations! It was a really fun, co-ed shower and we got our car seat...God always provides :). 

My 37 week picture I'm saving for my next post...Silas' birth story!!

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