

Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's A Boy!!!

This past Friday, Adam and I were able to get a "sneak peek" of our baby to find out the sex before our big 20 week ultrasound. I had gone between feeling the baby was a girl, to believing it was definitely a boy, to just not knowing at all. The ultrasonographer was able to determine pretty quickly that we were in fact expecting a little boy!

I don't think you can see it, but my son has very long legs just like his Daddy. I hope he just doesn't take after Adam in weight at birth, though!

We decided to name him Silas William. William is my Dad and my Grandpa's first name and Adam loved it for that reason and because it's a classic name. I love all the stories of Silas in the Bible. I love that he was able to worship God and rejoice as he was imprisoned and beaten for the Gospel. I have also had 4 seperate dreams that our son would be named Silas...there was no other name for me. Silas is also a family name though; Adam's Grandpa George has a brother named Silvanus and Silas is a form of that name.

Here are some of the latest baby bump pictures:

Silas was the size of an apple on Easter.

Comparing my belly with a pregnant looking statue in downtown Huntsville.

Silas is the size of an avocado this week. Avocados seem smaller than apples to me, but maybe they mean the big, lime green kind. I also felt him move for the first time this week! Definitely the coolest thing ever!

Adam has trouble not making silly or creepy faces in pictures sometimes, as you can see from the last two. Our friend, Lane, took these pictures and I think he was feeling left out, so he decided to have his picture taken as well.

Here are some more funny pictures from that photo shoot to brighten your day. These guys are hilarious!

Have you ever seen those "awkward family photos"? They have maternity ones too and I think these would fit right in! I get such a good laugh from my husband and our friends; I hope you do too!

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