

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1st Season of Christmas Festivities

Since Silas turned 3 months old on December 8, we decided there was no need to go all out this year on presents since he wouldn't remember, but we did start some new traditions and carried out some old ones as well.

Every Christmas since we've been married, I've thrown a cookie swap party because: 1. It's fun to get friends together during the busy season. 2. GREATEST excuse to eat a ridiculous amount of cookies. 3. Prizes! This year, the prizes were hand stamped tea towels I made from a pinterest post. Silas helped with the prizes the best way he knows how...he posed for cute pictures!

 He thought he was the most unique.

 Mad face.

 Index cards taste delicious!

Sweet face.

 Towards the end of our photo session, Silas was wore out!

I love how he spreads his arms out when he sleeps.

All the Cookie Swap girls (and Silas).

 Carissa and Sarah

Nina and Emily

Ann Ever, Beth, and Carissa are big fans of Silas.

Silas attended his first tacky sweater party that same day, thrown by our friends Lane and Emily. Hopefully, this will also become a holiday tradition. I love that "photo booths" are becoming so popular...and that there was one at the party. Here are a few of the highlights:

We've had three Christmas celebrations so far and one still to go (my Dad has been sick so we haven't been able to celebrate just yet). Silas received some WONDERFUL gifts including an awesome music table, shape sorter, jumpy seat exersaucer, and books. Adam and I have decided on at least two new traditions we want to do with Silas and our future children every Christmas; at least one new book and one new ornament. We also read the Nativity story from the Jesus Storybook Bible during the season and will definitely continue that tradition as well.

 Adam showing Silas his new toy.

 Silas checking out the tree on Christmas morning.

 My loves.

 Silas opening his book....

 "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein!

 Adam read us the story.

 Our sweet elf made a special delivery for his Aunt Embree who is still in utero. I can't wait to meet her!

 Where was Silas' plaid?!

It was so fun to see our sweet, little, boy enjoy his first Christmas. I had a hard time taking down the tree and decorations thinking of how fast time is going by; Silas is growing up too quickly! But I'm excited to see him grow, learn, and continue to become the loving boy he already is. 


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