

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Baby Bumpdate: Weeks 20-22

It's been quiet here on the blog and I sincerely apologize...we've been very busy and we had a trying week last week. Big pregnancy scare started at 21 weeks: I started cramping and spotting bright, red, blood. Not only that, but we were out of town in a rural Mississippi town for the Elmore family reunion....certainly not a comfortable place to be while you're freaking out about possibly being in preterm labor and the scary thought of losing your baby. My doctor knew and advised us to go to the ER if the bleeding worsened, which, thank the Lord, it never did.

I have been working a lot lately and doing a lot of non-work activities and I believe the stress just got the better of me. Adam put me on strict orders of no more than 2-3 days of work and no more volunteering unless he's able to help me. I took the entire week off of work and though I'm still tired, I feel much better since the cramping and bleeding stopped. Silas and I had lots of good quality time together and I'm excited to spend more time at home with him so we can have a better routine and so we can address some of the "terrible twos" phenomenon.

Case in point....

 Serious meltdown with no known origin..

I still love him!

Here's a picture from Week 20...

I skipped Week 21 because of the scare..I just couldn't bring myself to take a picture with how I felt. Look how much the belly changes in two weeks though!

How far along: 22 weeks

Total weight gain: 9.5-10 lbs

Maternity clothes: So far I've been wearing the maternity shorts I had with Silas, but I will have to break down really soon for some cold weather clothes and any kind of shirts that are bigger than what I have now..it's getting hard to find things that fit!

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: I've had a few nights of sleeping so hard that I don't even get up for the bathroom which is kind of great, but makes me think I'm dehydrated.

Best moment of this week: Feeling better tops the list, but also getting time to relax and hang out with my favorite almost two year old was great!

Miss anything: Energy and the ability to run. I tried to run while playing with Silas the other day and it was just pathetic.

Movement: Elijah is a lot like his big brother, super active at all times of the day and night, but it is such a blessing to feel him moving around in there especially with our scare.

Food cravings: Blue Bell Magic Cookie Bar ice cream is an almost nightly ritual after Silas goes to bed...it's amazing!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Umm....stress I would say.

Have you started to show yet: Definitely!

Gender: Boy!

Labor signs: Not since last weekend, thank you Jesus!

Belly button in or out: The top is poking out and the rest is flat..so weird.

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: I'm going to say moody because I can easily be happy one minute and super frustrated, tired, or crying the next.

Looking forward to: Finishing up my last week of more work than I should be doing. I'm still going to work until I just can't, but definitely will not be committing to a 5 day work week again anytime soon.

I'm off to enjoy the rest of my weekend! I hope you have a great one too!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Weeks 18-19: Baby #2 is a.....!


Matt and Nicole Taylor are some of our friends from small group and they set up an ultrasound for us with someone they know. This boy was so stubborn, not letting us see anything for the longest time by either rolling up into a ball and/or shielding his privates with his umbilical cord. 

I had really felt like it was a girl, just because so much has been different this pregnancy: no sickness, different cravings, etc. It was such a good reminder that we can't trust our feelings to be facts: just because it felt like a girl didn't make it so. Adam says there's a shortage of good, godly men in the world so that's why the Lord keeps giving us sons...what a weighty task we have ahead of us!

We didn't really have any names picked out this time and some of the ones we had discussed no longer seemed appropriate. One of the things that really resonated with Adam and I when we went through marriage counseling was the importance of choosing good, strong names with meanings our children could grow into. After looking through different naming websites, I decided to read through a list of biblical boy names one by one and there was one that we both kept talking about: 

Elijah Christopher

Waiting so patiently for his new playmate...

Initially, we liked the sound of Elijah and of course, in the Bible, Elijah was a great prophet and went to heaven without dying. Christopher is Adam's middle name and the name of one of his good friends. Finding the meaning of his name definitely sealed the deal: "Yahweh is God" is the meaning of Elijah and Christopher means "Bearer of Christ". We are praying that both Silas and Elijah will love and serve Jesus with all their hearts and their lives. Elijah has a great name to live up to and we can't wait to see his little personality bloom. :)

Super Silas returns to the weekly pictures!

 I think he likes me ;)

Holding his best "friend" Blankie.

How far along: 19 weeks

Total weight gain: 6.5 lbs

Maternity clothes: No, but I have been looking at clothes I'll need this fall as the weather gets colder.

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty hard these past few weeks, but I still feel exhausted, probably because of the heat and I've been working a lot.

Best moment of this week: Spending time with family and friends over the long, holiday, weekend. Nothing beats lazy days and yummy food...and not having to work!

Miss anything: Nothing in particular!

Movement: Little man is already super long according to the ultrasonographer (taking after Daddy) and I've been feeling pretty, big movements, even feeling it on the outside of my belly. Of course, Adam feels nothing yet. This is by far the best part of pregnancy :)

Food cravings: I still want sweets, but mainly "fresh" foods like peaches, blueberries, cherries, and guacamole.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, thankfully.

Have you started to show yet: Yes!

Gender: Boy! I'm so very outnumbered!

Labor signs: No, but I felt some Braxton Hicks yesterday which worried me, but after laying on the couch and drinking water, they went away.

Belly button in or out: Flattening out!

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and excited to see what Elijah will look like compared to Silas :)

Looking forward to: Doing some Stella and Dot parties this week!

I hope everyone has had a great Fourth of July weekend!! Back to work we go!

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