This little nugget is always smiling and getting very talkative. He makes so many sounds, some of which sound like the actual word or phrase, such as "hi", "hello", "good", "I love you", and "God bless you" after he sneezes. I know, he's only 3 months old, but this boy is a quick learner!
One thing I'm very excited about is how much Silas loves to be read to, especially from his "Jesus Storybook Bible". He's also a big fan of "Curious George" and "I Like Trucks". I love that he has such rapt attention for reading :).
Silas is a big mover. He is able to roll from his belly to his back from both directions and already tries to roll from his back to his belly! I've also found him a few times rotated a quarter turn from where I originally placed him.
We celebrated Thanksgiving at our house this year; it was so nice to not drive hundreds of miles in one day like we usually do!
Adam was in charge of the turkey...yay for me!
Lane and Adam enjoying some playtime with the sacrificial bird.
Silas was pretty exhausted from all the festivities.
I had everyone write things they were thankful for. My personal favorites were "awkward silence", "bad dancing", and "skinny jeans". I went for the obvious: Adam and Silas ;).
Thanksgiving weekend, we drove to Kentucky to visit Adam's grandparents and to watch AL beat Auburn. Silas also got to meet his cousins Romie and Knox.
Sweet, precious boys! Knox is telling Silas a secret.
After awhile, getting your picture taken gets tiring.
Grandma Carol and two of her great grand babies.
Adam and Silas practiced their planking abilities.
Silas won a wrestling match with his Daddy.
Four generations of Elmore men: Grandpa George, Adam, my father-in-law Greg, and Silas.
On his 3 month birthday, Silas finally met Baldy who was also celebrating a birthday: his 93rd! It was so sweet to watch my grandpa with my son; he kept saying things such as, "He's a good boy!", "He's good looking!". Baldy can be a pickle sometimes, but I love him anyway. I hope that Silas not only bears Baldy's name (William, not Baldy), but will also have a love for making music.
Proud Baldy!
Look at that precious face! I am constantly amazed at how much I love heart feels like it's missing when I go to work. Being Silas' Mommy is the best job I've ever had :)